As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure, and wacky international fabric is no different!
When a new fabric arrives, we lay it out to admire it in all its glory...
Then we carefully cut patterns for a perfectly constructed tote...
But we believe every last piece deserves an adventure...
So these leftover-fabric wristbands are free for the taking, and we're counting on you to give them the adventures they deserve!
Here's to turning trash to treasure, and Feeling Good--because after all, it's Friday!
-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders
I also saw you on Shark Tank & was very impressed as well. I would like to get some wrist bands when they are available again. Your company is similar to a bracelet company called Pura Vida bracelets out of Costa Rica. They also give back to help locals. I have several because it is my mother’s country. Would there be a way for YOU to get fabric from Costa Rica? I don’t have plans to go anytime soon but would love to represent when I do. Thanks & good luck!
Hi Guys:
Just saw you guys on Shark Tank and loved your ideas so much! Its a great way to help people all around the world and your bags are beautiful. Please let me know when you have more wrist bands and please put more ideas up. I see so many ideas on shark tank in your photos but on your website you only have a few selections. Thanks so much for what you do!