Microloan Stories
Microloan Program
Our Impact Since day one, we’ve been on a mission to create real change. So far, we’ve funded over $280,000 in microloans, reaching over 1,400 communities in 59...
Ngát from Vietnam
This loan helped to buy a large number of chicks. Ngát's story Ngát is 36 years old and currently lives with her family in...
Robert from Tanzania
This loan helped to purchase fertilizer and farm supplements. Robert's story Robert is 62 years old. He is married and has 3 children who are...
Adinda from Indonesia
This loan helped to buy more food and household needs to resell to grow her business. Adinda's Story Adinda is 21 years old and married...
Ye from Mali
This loan helps Ye buy more goats to raise and resell at a profit. Her Story Ye is the one holding the goat in...
Belyse from Rwanda
This loan helps Belyse to purchase more bags, shoes and clothes to sell. Her Story Greetings from Rwanda! Belyse is single, and she is a...
Sao from Vietnam
This loan helps Sao buy piglets and food for pigs. Her Story Sao is a married woman living in a mountainous village in Vietnam. She...
Kadiatou from Mali
This loan helps Kadiatou buy more merchandise for her business and to help her children thrive. Her Story Kadiatou is holding samples of her merchandise...
Claire from the Philippines
A loan helped to buy items to sell in her store. Claire's story Claire,31, is single with two children. Claire has a general store in...