Taaluma TLC

Taaluma TLC

Feel Good Friday

When it comes to making totes, there’s no such thing as too much TLC.  We like to think of every stitch as a Sistine Chapel.  And it’s about time we introduce the Dream Team who makes these travel-ready totes!

“Alvin Scissorhands”.  Alvin gets the Taaluma party started by cutting fresh-from-the-market fabric into the 20+ pieces that make up a tote.

Alvin Scissorhands

“Double Stitch Dorothy”.  Dorothy is a machine when it comes to stitching funky fabrics to pillow-like padding.  She adds the padding that makes your tote comfy enough for trips to Machu Picchu & back.

Double Stitch Dorothy

“Jazz Hands Judy”.  You should see the moves Judy pulls on a sewing machine.  She stitches together the final pieces of this jigsaw puzzle...and she does it in style.

Jazz Hands Judy

“Mark-Master Michael”.  Michael is a black belt in the mark-tial arts.  He marks the spot for each hole, snap & button making sure they’re all placed on your tote in perfect harmony.

Mark Master Michael

Together with the rest of the team, they’ve gone from making 50 totes per week to now making 700 per week.  And somehow, the more they make, the more TLC they manage to pour into them.

So here’s to never having too much TLC, and to feeling good—because after all it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

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