Red, White & Blue-tiful!

Red, White & Blue-tiful!

Feel Good Friday
This tri-colored weekend calls for celebration of all the red, white, and the blue-tiful places beyond our own borders…
From the incREDible dirt roads of Vietnam, 
incREDible Vietnam

(Instagram: @taalumatotes) the deWHITEful waterfalls of Iceland,
deWHITEful Iceland

(Instagram: @heyhay721)

and the BLUEtiful coastline off the tip of South Africa.
BLUEtiful South Africa

(Instagram: @woodmostlikely)

This world is blue-ming with patriotic colors, and we've brought some of them back with us for the occasion...

 Red Guatemala ToteWhite Indonesia ToteBlue Indonesia Tote

(Check out totes here)

So here's to exploring from sea to shining sea, and to feeling good—cause after all it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

PS.  We will be re-airing on ABC’s Shark Tank tonight (July 3rd) at 8pm ET…join us for the fabric frenzy!

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