Bone to Be Wild

Bone to Be Wild

Feel Good Friday

Mexico celebrates life and death in a way that sets a happy skele-tone for the whole country.  The celebration is all about paying a colorful t-rib-ute to the deceased...

Colorful T-rib-ute

and lining the streets with a rainbow of skull-ptures. 


In return, spirits of the deceased bring their families protection, luck, and wisdom…


So all can eat, drink, and be femur-ry! 


To prep for the Cinco de Mayo celebrations, we thought it was time for this Mexican tradition tibia part of your life too:

New Limited Edition Mexico Tote

(Shop New Limited Edition Mexico Tote)

Here’s to living like we were bone to be wild, and to feeling good—because after all, it's Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

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