Aboriginal artist Trephina Sultan grew up in Alice Springs, Australia. She stARTed ‘dot-painting’ as a child, developing her passion for this traditional art with family and friends.
(Trephina Sultan, photo by Central Art)
Trephina’s Elders are her inspiration. Their sense of heART, spirituality and appreciation for the land were the backbone of her upbringing. Over fireside chats, Elders taught about these aspects of life and these are the teachings Trephina hopes to impART on others through her art.
(Trephina dot-painting, photo by AusEmade)
This 'dot-style' piece called “Dreamtime Knowledge” is Trephina’s depiction of the Elders’ spiritual knowledge. Elders enter a psychic state (best translated as “Dreamtime”) where they connect with their ancestral spirits and learn from the depARTed. And through her art, Trephina passes on this knowledge...keeping the Aboriginal culture and traditions alive.
("Dreamtime Knowledge" by Trephina Sultan)
So we’re passing on this pART of Aboriginal Australia to carry those lessons with you too...

Here's to heart-to-art conversations with Aboriginal Australia and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!
-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders
PS—plus a few more totes to celebrate art from worlds apART...