A Leba'nonstop Wanderer

A Leba'nonstop Wanderer

Feel Good Friday

Some travel in search of new cultures, others in search of unique experiences, and others in search of fertile grasslands. Shepherds are Leba’nonstop travelers who live a life of wandering…


Their journey revolves around an extensive knowledge of seasonal weather patterns and a deep understanding of land down to its Bei’roots. Their destinations are lands filled with fertile grass to feed their herd. The livestock then provide meat, milk and hides for the shepherd to use and trade.

Fayez is a 21 year old shepherd from Ain, Lebanon. He is looking for a microloan to buy more sheep to expand the size of his herd.

Traveler Tim, being a wanderer himself (158 countries and counting!), brought back this Lebanese fabric find...

which will support Fayez and his life of Leba’nonstop wandering too.

Here’s to these Leba’nonstop wanderers and to feeling good—because after all it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

PS.  Plus a f’ewe more fabric finds from a herd of other travelers wandering the globe...

Photos: (1) & (2) Shepherd views in Afghanistan; (3) Microloan recipient Fayez by KIVA.org; (4) Fabric shop in Beirut, Lebanon by Traveler Tim.

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