In Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, the seven-striped rainbow flag is often used as a symbol of the native people, but there is one city that brings ROYGBIV to a whole new level...
Cusco, the incREDible city tucked away in Peru’s Andes mountain o'RANGE, was the capital of the Incan empire for three centuries. Around every bend of its cobblestone alleyways, massive stone ruins can be found high and YEL'low. And flying high above these earthy tones is the rainbow flag of Cusco.
When you see it standing in aGREENment with the national flag...
you can feel Cusco’s colorful spirit…
and culture in full BLUE’m.
A spirit and culture we didn’t want to let INDI’go, so we brought back this fabric from Cusco to VIO’let you carry a taste of their rainbow-filled culture too.

Here’s to brightening each day with this world’s most colorful cultures and to feeling good—because after all, it's Friday!
-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders
PS. Plus a few more colorful cottons to add to the collection...