Add Samoa Color to Life

Add Samoa Color to Life

Feel Good Friday

The Pacific islands of Samoa are chock-full of vibrant colors. From the surrounding ocean to its forested land, colors flourish through the islands. And because of its natural presence, color plays a huge part in Samoan culture. The country's traditional fabric is worn at every gathering and these locally designed and locally made fabrics are a clear depiction of the island’s colorful natural wonders.


From the surrounding ocean's miraculous blues...


to the horizons filled with palm tree greens...


nature's colors thrive in all directions.


After spending 2 years in Samoa as a Peace Corps volunteer, its islands, its people and their colorful way of life have added Samoa color to Kiana’s life. And that was something she wanted to share with you too….

Here’s to adding Samoa color to life and to feeling good—because after all, it's Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

PS.  Plus a few more fabric finds from other travelers who found colors in distant places...


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