The Prom*Iceland

The Prom*Iceland

Feel Good Friday

Travelers April & Rickey put their passports to use once a year to explore a new country and this time they decided to take a trip to the prom*Iceland.

From sunr*Ice…

to sunset, they found themselves ent*Ice*d by its colorful capital...

and mesmor*Ice*d by its natural beauty.

With Northern Lights in the air and fabric on their mind, these fabrics were pres*Ice*ly how they wanted to share the beauty of Iceland with you...

Iceland Tote (by April Nazaruk)

(Iceland Tote by April Nazaruk)

Iceland Tote (by Rickey Turner)

(Iceland Tote by Rickey Turner)

Plus a few other fabrics brought back by travelers to share a sl*Ice of their travels too… 

Kenya Tote (by Steve Baroch)

(Kenya Tote by Steve Baroch)

Vietnam Tote (by Aaron John)

(Vietnam Tote by Aaron John)

Here’s to finding your prom*Iceland and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

(Find fabric on your next trip)

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