Who Wants to Be a Zillionaire

Who Wants to Be a Zillionaire

Let's play Who Wants to Be a Zillionaire!

The $500 question starts us off, here we go.

Founded in 1727, “the Pink City” is the nickname for what city?

A. Yokohama, Japan
B. Jaipur, India
C. Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA
D. Middelfart, Denmark

Is that your final answer?

Traveler Sagheer went exploring in the Pink City, which is the nickname of...Jaipur, India!

Here is what he had to say about his trip:

“As I am half Indian myself, I jump at any opportunity to explore India to reconnect with the food, people, and breathtaking scenery.

When stepping foot into India, you are welcomed with an intense sensory experience. I remember the smell of marigolds, the sight of bright saris, and the sound of samosas frying on the street all in one hectic scene.”

For $1,000 (or 76,000 Rupees) here is your next question:

While in Jaipur, Sagheer ventured out to the textile village of Parasrampuri. What did he find?

A. An indus-scribable fabric
B. A tote-ally awesome fabric
C. A radishing fabric
D. Will Ferrell’s wallet

(remember, you can still use your “Phone a Friend” lifeline)

Final answer?

Let’s just say Will Ferrell didn’t lose his wallet… :)

Here’s to filling your brain with all sorts of knowledge & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

-the Taaluma Team


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