Dhimiter - Albania

Dhimiter - Albania


A loan helped to prepare and fertilize his lands for this year's crops so he can have a more successful harvest and provide for his family.

Dhimiter's story

Dhimiter is a 49-year-old devoted husband and father from the village of Korce. Both of his adult children are married. Dhimiter is also a grandfather to a few beautiful grandchildren from his daughter who lives in a nearby village. His son is the father of two little children and lives with Dhimiter in the same house.

Dhimiter has been farming since he was a child and his farming business is the only income he has to support his family. He plants potatoes, onions, wheat and maize for his family's consumption and to sell at the market to earn income for his family. Dhimiter wants to take a loan from Kiva in order to prepare and fertilize his lands for this year's crops. He looks forward to using this loan in order to have a more successful harvest and provide more for his family.

This loan is special because:

It supports people in a country where financing options are scarce.

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