Hannah - Kenya


A loan helped to buy seeds to increase her horticultural farming.

Hannah's story

When Hannah began farming, she was experiencing challenges in handling pests and diseases. Today however, thanks to the many years of experience, she has learned both chemical and mechanical weed control methods. Her primary sources of income are crops, horticultural crops, and animal farming. She also earns some income through a personal business. Hannah is content with the farming way of life.

Hannah is a very enterprising woman and although she never had any formal education, or formal employment, she has always worked hard on her farm and she has always assured her children and family of a decent meal.

The Kerugoya area of Kenya has favorable conditions for horticultural farming, and that is why Hannah is seeking a loan to buy seeds to increase her horticultural farming.
Due to good roads, a good climate, and a good transportation network, she is sure that she will reap maximum profits and be able to expand her business.

Hannah wants to start the next planting season on a high note. Please help her so that her horticultural farming can flourish.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

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