Madhuri - India

Fruits & Vegetables

A loan helped to expand her husband’s vegetable selling business by buying more categories of vegetables.

Madhuri's story

Madhuri is a 23-year-old married woman residing in South Dinajpur District of West Bengal.

Her husband does vegetable selling business for a living and she also supports him in his work. He purchases fresh vegetables like tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumber, garlic and potatoes from wholesale market and sells them in local market.

She has a household size of 4 and a monthly income of INR 7,900 with savings of INR 3,400. This amount is not enough to look after the household needs and also the educational expenses for the family.

Hence she wishes to increase her family income monthly by expanding the business.

She has requested a loan amount of INR 25,000 from Gram Bikash Kendra, one of Milaap's field partners. This amount will help her support her husband and to make more categories of vegetables and sell them in the local market.

She and her husband are grateful to their lenders.

This loan is special because:

It provides business loans to women micro-entrepreneurs.

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