17,151 Miles and Counting...

17,151 Miles and Counting...

 Feel Good Friday

The journey began in West Africa.  After crossing 8,005 miles of ocean, this crazy cotton landed in our hands in Virginia.  It went through the Taaluma transformation from international fabric to travel backpack, and became the Ivory Coast Tote.

It then took a 312 mile ride up the East Coast and onto the shoulders of a Taaluma traveler.  But the real mileage was yet to come…

Packing Up

8,844 miles later, the Tote-Traveler duo hit the roads of Vietnam...

Street Food

And after a whopping 17,145 miles it was time to kick back on the other side of Vietnam...

Vietnam Loungin'

Here's to putting more mileage on YOUR tote, and to feeling good—‘cause after all, it’s Friday!


-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

Get Totin'

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