Closing the Loop

Closing the Loop

Feel Good Friday
We went on our first Taaluma field trip that didn't require our fabric-hunting eyes. This time, we went to the small town of Sukawati, Indonesia and connected with artisans who received microloans from YOUR totes.  From wood carvers to painters to silver smiths, these artisans use your loans to start and grow their small businesses.  
Take wood carver Ketut for example.
He welcomed us into his carving-filled compound...
Carving Compound
And gave us a taste of Indonesia's artistic perfection--leaving us bright-eyed for artisans and bushy-tailed for microloans!
Carving Craziness
As if that weren't enough, the field trip ended with a two thumbs up Hindu approval on the way out the door!
The Thumbs Up God

So with a big Thanksgiving "thank you" from Ketut, here’s to closing the loop and feeling good—cause after all it's Friday!


-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

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Check out more from our microlending partners, NOVICA.

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  • I love the idea, look and fabric of these totes. Have you considered making a cross body purse out of these fabrics? I would love it!

    MJ Wiley on

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