As we close the books on yet another year, we want to give credit where credits due.
Because of you, our amazing customers, we have been able to impact 261 communities around the globe this year. When you support Taaluma with your purchases, you give us the ability to touch the lives of many amazing business owners. And for that, we say THANK YOU!
Here are just a few of the business owners we've been able to help (and the communities they've helped with their businesses).

Meet Rosa, a 22-year-old farmer from El Salvador with two young children. She has been a corn and bean farmer since she was 16. She works on her farm six hours a day and takes care of her family the rest of her time. We gave her a 14-month, interest-free microloan (all of our microloans are interest-free) to help her buy agricultural supplies. By having more supplies, she can increase her field's production, thus providing more food for her village and providing more income for her family.

Meet Gina, a hard-working entrepreneur from the Phillippines. She is a widow with five children. She owns a retail business in her town selling food products. Her best-seller is bags of rice. We gave her an 8-month microloan to buy more products for her store to resell.

Meet Saream, she and her husband are silk weavers from Cambodia. She started her business 10 years ago. She plans to use her loan to fund the purchase of material at low prices so she can increase her profits and increase her family's quality of life.
Because of your support, we’ve been able to fund 261 microloans this past year - all over the world. That’s 261 small business owners who are dedicated to improving the lives of their families and local communities.
Here’s to making every year count & to feeling good - because after all, it’s Friday.
-the Taaluma Team