A’Greece’iation for the World Around Us

A’Greece’iation for the World Around Us

Feel Good Friday

For traveler Kayla, travel revolves around meeting the local people and being part of their every day life. From the streets of Makeni, Sierra Leone...


To the ruins of Athens, Greece...

Kayla finds herself a’Greece’iating the world in a new way. 

"I traveled around the country with my class, including some of the Greek islands, and everywhere we went, we saw the blue and white stripes of the flag uniting the Greek people. Going to Greece was an incredible experience and I wanted to let others get a little glimpse into this beautiful country and her wonderful people. I wanted to remember and share the spirit of hospitality and of resilience that I found in the people I met.” —Traveler Kayla Duckert

To show her a’Greece’iation to the people she met along the way, Kayla brought back a piece of Greece’s blue & white to share with you too.

Here’s to finding that deeper a’Greece’iation for the world around us and to feeling good—because after all it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

PS.  Plus a few more fabric finds from other travelers with a new a'Greece'iation for cultures around the globe...

Photos: Makeni, Sierra Leone by Traveler Kayla Duckert; Athens, Greece by Traveler Kayla Duckert; Greek flag by Traveler Kaytlyn Croy.

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