Indonesia is home to some of the world’s most well-known batik fabrics. Many of its islands have motifs of their own— celebrating the local flora, fauna and folklore.
'Parang' is an ancient motif from the island of Java.
There are a sea of stories about the origins of 'parang'. Some say the design was created hundreds of years ago by Sultan Agung of Mataram while meditating on the Southern coast of Java. While tide up in its beauty, his inspiration came from the stream of waves continuously crashing up against the rocks.
And this continuous diagonal design has been making waves throughout Indonesia ever since.
So we wanted to make shore to share a piece of 'parang' with you too...

Here’s to taking an extra moment to sea life’s beauty and to feeling good—because after all it’s Friday!
-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders
PS. We are current’ly releasing a few more fabrics to celebrate the arrival of a new spring sea’son!

Photos: Scenes of Indonesia by Traveler Jack.