The kangaroo, or “roo”, is a national symbol of Australia.
For Australian Aboriginal communities, the kangaroo’s importance took roo’t long ago and it remains strong today. For some communities, it is a cherished source of meat, hide and bone. Other Aboriginal communities see the kangaroo as a spiritual emblem and their “Creator Spirit”. They respect and en’joey everything about this large leaping marsupial…
From the thumping of the kangaroo’s feet on the earth that sends vibrations across valleys, plains and creeks through all that reside there. To their toenail that leaves small holes in the ground to make roo’m for seeds to fall in and germinate into the strongest of trees. This Creator Spirit is believed to be the connection between all forms of life.
Traveler Lowry jumped at the hop’portunity to pay his respects to this large leg’acy too…

Here’s to going back to indigenous roo'ts and to feeling good—because after all, it's Friday!
-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders
PS. We’re making roo’m for one more Australia Tote and a few new Traveler Edition Totes too…