Going the Eggs'tra Mile

Going the Eggs'tra Mile

Feel Good Friday

This Fry’day we want to scramble things up a bit and tell a different kind of tale. An eggs’otic tale of a group of people in Northern Thailand going the eggs’tra mile…

To boil it all down, Hilltribe Organics is a group of farmers in Northern Thailand building for a better tomorrow. In eggs’change for their sustainable farming practices, their free-range chickens produce eggs that are nothing short of egg’cellent and are then sold throughout Thailand.


Meet Phichai, a 53 year old farmer native to Northern Thailand.

He has expanded his family farm to be a part of the Hilltribe Organics community and is seeking a microloan to eggs’pand his free-range chicken operation. And we wanted to be a part of this sustainable eggs’travaganza too with a piece of Thailand that supports Phichai and his fellow eggs’pert farmers.

Here’s to these farmers going the eggs’tra mile to achieve egg’celence and to feeling good—because after all it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

PS.  Plus a few more totes looking to eggs'perience the world with you...

Photos: Chiang Rai region in Northern Thailand by Hilltribe Organics.

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