
Island-ed at this tiny island

Feel Good Friday

With Christmas quickly approaching, we have a new (Limited Edition) release that would make a unique, “Santa-mental” gift for your closest traveler friend. 

Traveler Lucy visited the remote, island nation of Palau and brought home some “cray-sea” cool fabric in time for this holla-day season. 

Palau is a small country in the west Pacific. To be more ‘pacific, Palau is in the Micronesia region east of the Philippines. 

It is known for blue water and its small rock islands. In fact, Palau has 340 islands with a combined landmass of 177 square miles. But no need to get “Claus-trophobic” as Palau only has a population of 18,000 people.

  Palauan People 

The island’s economy is based on tourism and fishing. Well isn’t that “reely” neat?


Another interesting fact: Palau averages 150 inches of rain.

….“that’s a lot of rain, deer”. But that's how it can stay so green.

Rock Islands

Let’s give a round of “Santa-plause” to our traveler, Lucy, for bringing this fabric all the way from Koror, Palau!

Here’s to having your ‘elf a merry little Christmas and to feeling good—because after all, it's Friday!

-the Taaluma Team

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