Sinterklaas is Coming to Town…

Sinterklaas is Coming to Town…

Feel Good Friday

"Amsterdam, with its arched canals and unique roofline is a city like no other."

"It has the energy and hustle of New York, but with a certain “old world” fairytale quality. Tall and slender, with infinite windows, its waterfront homes and businesses are a study in geometric shapes."


"That is why, when I saw this fabric featuring those very homes, I knew I had to have it.  With bolt in arms, we headed back toward the Metro, but couldn’t leave without first buying a freshly made stroopwafel, warm with sticky melting caramel. Checking the fabric and stroopwafel off my bucket list we boarded the tram!" —Traveler Cathy Hoodak


Thanks to Traveler Cathy and her sister making the gouda list this year, Sinterklaas is coming to town…

With fabric from this majestic Nether-Nether land.

Here’s to ho ho ho’ping for a magical holiday season ahead of you and to feeling good—because after all, it's Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

PS. To give our thanks this holiday season, we are micro loaning 100% of profits this Black Friday—connecting with more farmers and small business owners around the globe!

Photos: (1-3) Amsterdam canals by Traveler Cathy Hoodak.  (4) Fabric shopping in Amsterdam by Traveler Cathy Hoodak.  (5-6) Stroopwafel experience in Amsterdam by Traveler Cathy Hoodak.  (7) Arrival of Sinterklass in the Netherlands by Traveler Sandie Stanzione).

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