Rarely Seen

Rarely Seen

“We visited a very remote region that is dominated by the Flower Hmong people and we explored the Bac Ha market which is rarely seen by outsiders. Here the Flower Hmong women do all sorts of business dressed in their traditional clothing which is renowned for the colorful hand woven motifs. The fabric I bought for this tote is inspired by the traditional clothing of the Flower Hmong women.” - Traveler Aaron John

From the fashionable shoes,

to the spicy chili peppers,

to the adorable Flower Hmong dolls,

The Bac Ha market of the Flower Hmong people has some of the rarest and unique finds in the world. 

And thanks to Aaron John, we have totes made with fabric inspired by the rarely seen market of the Flower Hmong tribe. This limited edition tote sold out quickly last year. But lucky you, we found some extra fabric and were able to make a few more totes! Now back in stock, but we only have a very limited supply. 
Here’s to venturing to unique places & to feeling good - because after all, it’s Friday.

-the Taaluma Team

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