Turkish Delight

Turkish Delight

The Middle East is known for its ancient history, vast deserts, and religious roots.

From being caught in the pyramid-dle of history in Cairo,

to taking in the Israeli great views of Jerusalem,

to resting on the Abu’ndant sands of Abu Dhabi,

to observing the centuries-old stories of Amman,

to experiencing the Turkish Delight-ful city of Istanbul,

the Middle East is home to some of the planet’s most unique cities.

Traveler Tim went to one of those unique cities, Istanbul, and brought back something amazing!

“Turkey is actually the home to the tulip. They grew wild in Central Asia and spread into Turkey in the late 16th century. It was the Dutch who found them and started what became known as Tulipmania. It was the widest 'run' on flowers ever known, with bulbs being sold for astronomical prices and it burst in 1637, leaving many ruined. The original tulips were much smaller and had feathered or pointed petals, rather than the rounded ones we see today. This fabric was as close as I could find to represent the tulip from 400 years ago.” 
- Traveler Tim Gibson

Here’s to experiencing the unique things of life & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

-the Taaluma Team

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