Uganda Love This

It’s been 8 years since the idea for Taaluma Totes was born while on a life-changing trip to Uganda.

Since then, we’ve been able to fund 41 microloans for small business owners living in Uganda.

From Moses, a 24-year-old coffee farmer who used his loan to buy mulch. This boosted his crop production which helped him earn extra income to take care of his mom.

To Aida, a mother of 5 who used her loan to expand her restaurant along a busy street. She’s used the extra income to build rental houses to help pay for her children’s tuition.

To Felestus, a mother of 3 who owns a food supply business. She used her loan to buy a big quantity of beans to sell to schools and hotels. This helped her establish a clothing company that provides secondhand clothes to people in need.

To the many more amazing people who are doing great things for their communities in Uganda.

Here’s to keeping microloans coming for small business owners in Uganda - and countries all around the world!

Thanks Courtney for this awesome fabric that will help another business owner in Uganda!

Here’s to keeping the good things coming & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

-the Taaluma Team

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