Zimbab-way of Life

Zimbab-way of Life

Feel Good Friday

For traveler Allanagh, exploring the world is a Zimbab-way of life.  From hiking through Zimbab-waist deep shrubbery in a game reserve…

Game Reserve

to Zimbab-wading in Victoria Falls…

Victoria Falls

to watching the number of animals at the watering hole wax and Zimbab-wane...

Watering Hole

it became clear that good things DO come to those who Zimbab-wait!


To share the beauty of this Zimbab-way of life, Allanagh brought back this fabric straight from Zimbabwe's markets for all of us to enjoy too!

Zimbabwe Tote (by Allanagh Spratling)

(Zimbabwe Tote by Allanagh Spratling)

And in the Zimbab-wake of Allanagh's tote, we're sharing another new traveler's fabric find as well:

Malawi Tote (by Sarah Stephany)

(Malawi Tote by Sarah Stephany)

So here’s to one-Zimbab-way tickets & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

(Find fabric for your own line of totes)

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