For traveler Allanagh, exploring the world is a Zimbab-way of life. From hiking through Zimbab-waist deep shrubbery in a game reserve…
to Zimbab-wading in Victoria Falls…
to watching the number of animals at the watering hole wax and Zimbab-wane...
it became clear that good things DO come to those who Zimbab-wait!
To share the beauty of this Zimbab-way of life, Allanagh brought back this fabric straight from Zimbabwe's markets for all of us to enjoy too!

(Zimbabwe Tote by Allanagh Spratling)
And in the Zimbab-wake of Allanagh's tote, we're sharing another new traveler's fabric find as well:

(Malawi Tote by Sarah Stephany)
So here’s to one-Zimbab-way tickets & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!
Jack & Alley, Co-Founders