Romdoul's Group - Cambodia


A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and seed to increase productivity of her rice crop, which expected to increase outputs so as to earn more income.

Romdoul's Group's story

Romdoul is a widow who lives in a rural village of Battambang province and she is 31-year-old. The primary source of her income is from growing rice and she can earn additional income via working for others for a fee to support her lifestyle for 8 years. She can earn income about 6USD per day and she is able to save around 3USD each day after expenses. Due to lack of fund, she decides to get a loan with VisionFund to support her business.

She is now leading a group of two, in order to apply for a loan to buy fertilizer, seed and pesticide to increase productivity of her rice crop. This will be the first loan cycle for her and her group member whose name is Robeap. She hopes that this loan will allow her to gain more outputs so as to earn more income for upgrading her family’s living standard.


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