Sao from Vietnam

Sao from Vietnam

This loan helps Sao buy piglets and food for pigs.

Her Story
Sao is a married woman living in a mountainous village in Vietnam. She has a son who is at secondary level. She is standing on the right side of the picture.
Living in a place where agriculture is leading, Sao considers farming and livestock raising as the main income for her family. Realizing that she is a skilled pig farmer, she wants to raise more pigs, but does not have enough capital. With this loan she will buy more piglets and food for pigs.


Sao hopes this investment will generate greater profit and she can use it to improve her standard of living. Most of all, it will be able to help her son chase the dream of going to college. 


This loan is special because it provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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