Meet microloan recipient Elisa.
Elisa lives in the Ecuadorean countryside with her husband, children and grandchildren. She has spent her entire 69 years of life farming. Life as a farmer has far ex’seed’ed Elisa’s expectations, sow she dreams of continuing for years to come. She is using her microloan to buy a pair of calves and rent land for their fodder.
We are microloaning to Elisa and several farmers throughout Ecuador’s Andean Mountains…
With the new Ecuador Tote (Limited) to help till't the scale in their favor.

Here’s to hoe'ping for great harvests ahead and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!
-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders
(1) Ibarra, Ecuador by Taaluma Traveler Jack (2-7) Ecuador microloan recipients through KIVA.