Charles - Uganda

Charles - Uganda


A loan helped to buy pesticides and herbicides.

Charles's story

Charles is a married man aged forty-eight years old with five children, three of whom attend different schools in Nakatoogo. He lives in Nakatoogo and he is a farmer who deals in pineapple growing and timber selling as his side income.
He works six days a week and 10 hours per day and he says he has been growing pineapples since 2012 and timber selling since 2000.
He started the business in order to increase his income and he acquired the loan to buy pesticides and herbicides for his pineapple business. He hopes this will help to guard his pineapples from diseases and the output will therefore be high. He sells his products to traders from Kyotera and those in the village.
His dream is to be the leading supplier of pineapple in the region, however he experiences a problem of price fluctuation of herbicides and lack of enough causal labor.
He describes himself as a hardworking and honest man and encourages lenders to continue helping farmers.


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